The Wesley College Chapel is not just another building. Not just another place of worship. The chapel had diverse meanings to many students. But more importantly the Wesley College Chapel was (and maybe still is) the most popular building in the school. Students had both good and not so good reasons of going to the chapel for devotions and services. I’ll dwell on the good reasons; the not so good for another day.
We so much enjoyed going to the chapel; the songs we loved, we danced and rejoiced to melodies every night for three straight years. The Chapel was like a hide-out; a sanctuary for juniors to escape the hostilities of our seniors. 9 pm everyday was a time we gathered to loosen the accumulated tension of the day. The Chapel kept our sanity and gave us the will to go on. Events in the school Chapel were predictable unlike our seniors and even sometimes, us.
2nd term 1999, events took a new turn. An end to predictability. I suppose the Chapel executives headed by the Chapel prefect invited some ex-Wesleyans to preach the word. The sermon delivery wasn’t like anything we’ve been used to, and the ‘heaven-hell cards’ were played. Trust me, this period was like a call to order, a call questioning our declared love for God. We became so spiritually charged; my communion with God was at an all-time high. The atmosphere in the Chapel was so permeated with the Holy Spirit, we could feel it, and we were able to key into it.
We had more Chapel services during the week than ever before. And during these services (I don’t know where those guys came from); it was common occurrence for people to fall under the anointing. I can remember myself telling Makanju how wonderful it would be if I could maintain that level of spirituality. I couldn’t.
Spiritual gifts were imparted. The gifts of speaking in tongues and even its interpretation, and the gift of prophecy.
The effect of their visit reverberated even into the next academic term. They left but we were still able to maintain the level of spirituality. More students started coming into the Chapel for devotions, even Muslims got converted. One individual even changed name.
But there was a particular gift that really stayed with us after their departure. The gift of prophecy. We had many prophets and prophetess. So many prophesies were delivered. I even got one. My personal prophecy till date.
Girls would even prophecy during school hours in their hostels; they would go to the hostel, listening and writing down prophesies. Spirituality was fashionable, its either you can prophecy, speak in tongues, or interpret. If you don’t have any of these gifts, you feel like you don’t belong. How could I forget.
The Chapel revival did not last forever. It lasted that academic session. But the revival gave birth to something else. Increased familiarity. More friends. And when I say friends, I don’t mean boys. The Christian sisterhood-brotherhood atmosphere opened many doors… no, some doors. It did.
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